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Implementation of Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration (MPIC) and Mandatory CAA Checks for Mailbox Addresses

Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration (MPIC)

Starting on March 15, 2025, HARICA will implement Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration (MPIC) for Domain Authorization, Control, and Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Record checks before issuing any TLS Server Authentication Certificates, in accordance with CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements for TLS Server Certificates.

With MPIC, DNS queries for Domain Validation and CAA checks must be verified from multiple, randomly distributed and distant locations across the Internet. If the information corroboration fails (up to a certain level), the certificate issuance will be blocked. Domain Owners must ensure that their Authoritative DNS servers are accessible from the global Internet, allowing the corroboration to be completed without failures that would prevent certificate issuance.

We remind our Subscribers that Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Authentication Certificates are “intended to be used for authenticating servers accessible through the Internet”, as described in the CA/Browser Forum TLS Baseline Requirements.

Mandatory CAA Checks for Mailbox Addresses

Effective March 15, 2025, HARICA will also be required to perform CAA checks for Mailbox Addresses, as mandated by the CA/Browser Forum S/MIME Baseline Requirements.

What You Need to Know:

  • Before issuing an S/MIME certificate that includes a Mailbox Address, HARICA will retrieve and process CAA records, similar to the process used for TLS Certificates.
  • If your DNS CAA record contains the issuemail tag, it must explicitly include the value “harica.gr”, authorizing HARICA for S/MIME certificate issuance.
  • If no issuemail tag is present, no action is required.

HARICA introduces new 2021 hierarchy for SSL/TLS Certificates

We are pleased to announce that on the 1st of June 2022, HARICA will switch the issuance of SSL/TLS certificates to its 2021 Root TLS Certification Authorities.

Both HARICA TLS RSA Root CA 2021 and HARICA TLS ECC Root CA 2021 are already pre-installed on Windows operating systems as well on macOS 12 providing the necessary trust anchor for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and other popular Internet Browsers. In addition, Mozilla Firefox has updated its Certificate Store with HARICA’s new RootsCAs.

For older operating systems and browsers, HARICA issued two additional cross-certificates to chain the 2021 hierarchy with the older 2015 one for increased ubiquity.

Both HARICA TLS Root 2021 ECC and RSA cross-certificates can be used by our subscribers in their certificate chain files to cover the majority of browsers regardless of their version.

DV certificates for Onion websites


Following the high demand for onion certificates, HARICA decided to extend the discount period till the end of August 2021.

Great news for Onion fans!

We are excited to announce that HARICA has started issuing Domain Validated (DV) certificates for v3 Onion websites.

HARICA is a Publicly Trusted Certification Authority (CA) that participates in all major Global “ROOT CA” Trust Programs (360, Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, Oracle), and operates as a “Trust Anchor” in widely used Application Software and Operating Systems (Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Linux).

Following this announcement, we offer a discount to all HARICA’s DV Certificates, which includes “onion”, “wildcard onion”, and other types of publicly trusted DV TLS Certificates, starting at 4.5€ per year till the end of June 2021 [EXTENDED to August 2021].

Get yours now at HARICA’s CertManager!

How to purchase your own DV certificate?

  • Create a HARICA account at HARICA’s CertManager.
  • Under the Certificates section on the left, choose Server Certificates and make a new request for your domain.
  • You have the Option to auto-generate your TLS CSR locally or manually submit one you have already prepared. Both RSA and ECDSA keys are supported.
  • To validate your Domain Name you have three (3) “general purpose” validation options:
    1. Select a pre-defined email address of your domain to receive a confirmation email.
    2. Upload a text file, provided by HARICA, to a specific location on your web server.
      • For v3 Onion domains only this “general purpose” validation option is allowed. There is also a special option available which uses the Tor hidden service ed25519 key to generate a special “Onion CSR” to prove you control the v3 Onion domain namespace, which allows you to obtain a wildcard Onion certificate *.<hidden service>.onion. This is currently the only secure option allowed to obtain a wildcard Onion certificate and HARICA has built and publicly disclosed the necessary code to support this method!
    3. Add a DNS TXT record, provided by HARICA, to the selected authorization domain.
  • After the successful payment of your order, you can retrieve your certificate.

What is an “Onion Service”?

Onion services are anonymous network services that are accessed via the Tor Browser and the underlying Tor (a.k.a. “Onion”) network. Clients use Onion services via Onion domains that are only resolvable inside the Tor network. In contrast to conventional Internet services, Onion services are private and end-to-end encrypted, generally not indexed by search engines, and use self-certifying domain names that are long and difficult for humans to read. That is, you can offer a web server, SSH server, etc., without revealing the real IP address to its users.

Why would an Onion website need a TLS certificate?

There is a list of reasons as to why an Onion website would need a TLS certificate:

  • Mixing HTTP and HTTPS creates complex setups for websites.
  • To help the user verify that the Onion domain is indeed the site you are hosting (manual check at the certificate registration information).
  • Some services work with protocols, frameworks, and other infrastructure that have HTTPS connection as a requirement.
  • In case your web server and your Tor process are in different machines.
University of Athens – Network Operation Center
Panepistimiopolis Ilissia
Postcode: 157 84 Athens, Greece
HARICA is the Hellenic Academic & Research Institutions Certification Authority. It participates in all major Global "ROOT CA" Trust Programs, and operates as a "Trust Anchor" in widely used Application Software and Operating Systems.
It has received a successful Conformance Assessment Report fulfilling the requirements of Regulation (EU) 910/2014 (also known as eIDAS) in the areas of "Qualified" Certificates for electronic Signatures/Seals, website authentication, and "Qualified" Timestamps.